Sunday, October 08, 2006

Crazy Schedule

I’ve been so busy with these last stages of publishing my book. And I am so grateful for the support of my family. For the past two weeks, I’ve been out almost everyday, meeting with suppliers, editing, proofreading my work, before it is finally printed.

I was really worried about how the kids would manage without me, since I am their teacher. I’ve spoken to the kids beforehand, as to what my work schedule would be like, and until it’s finally out, this kind of “crazy” schedule will continue.

So what’s been happening on the home school front? It’s just been unbelievable! The children have been doing their work independently, and the older ones help the younger ones with subjects that they need assistance in.

Yesterday, before I left the house, I asked Chinny (13) and Sabrina (11) if they could each review the boys for their Religion exam. When I got home in the evening, they showed me the reviewers they made, filled up by the boys, with correct answers! When they took their exams, Yuan had two mistakes, while Coby’s exam was perfect!

Today, I had to take the boys to soccer practice. I brought Yaya Jeanny Ann, my cook, to accompany the boys at practice because I had to attend a couple of meetings. After my meetings, I went back to pick the boys up. But before we left for home, I played with them in the muddy field and picked up David from work. When we got home, Chinny and Sabrina had cooked dinner—tapa, chicken noodle soup and rice—all by themselves! They served the meal with an eggplant salad which Yaya had prepared earlier. For dessert they surprised us with mud pie, which they also baked all on their own!

I am so blessed with a wonderful, wonderful, family!

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