Saturday, October 28, 2017


Am I Really Starting to Blog Again?

It's been more than 10 years since I last blogged. So many things have happened, there have been two additions to the family. A couple of kids have graduated from college, a couple are in University, 1 is in high school, 1 is in a school for adults with special needs, 2 are home schooled, and I'm employed again.

Right after I took on a job (of course it allows me to work from home!!!), I let go of our stay-in maids and yayas and we're now down to our ever faithful stay-out laundry woman and a stay-out cleaning lady who comes once a week.  We've been living on this arrangement for a little over a year and I still wonder how we're surviving. 😊

I've decided to just enjoy the ride and keep my sanity by letting go of the non-essentials, focusing on what's important, and not fussing about the little things.

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